Bert del Rosario is Karaoke inventor!

When the del Rosario family members got word that the Supreme Court of the Philippine Republic had finally declared their father Roberto del Rosario the sole owner of the original patent rights for a sing along system now popularly known in the Japanese language as Karaoke, there was joy all around for her dynamic, and inventive father Roberto del Rosario, though no longer here with her, had finally won his case against a Japanese company who allegedly claimed the device as its invention.
Working for over two decades del Rosario's children on their own, pursued the fight for justice by their father Roberto del Rosario particularly when he noticed his health slowly deteriorating.
He intimated that they pursue the case and “not to give up” despite the tremendous amount of stress not to mention the terrific investment in money in (and out) of the Philippine courts fighting for their father’s case which had taken several decades.
The Supreme Court’s resolution dated March 19 2007 stated:
“ Plaintiff Roberto Del Rosario owns the patent rights for a sing-along system, popularly known as the KARAOKE. On January 18, 1993 plaintiff filed a case with the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Makati City, for patent infringement against defendant Janito Corporation who, without his consent, was manufacturing and selling a sing along system marketed as “Miyata” which was substantially similar and identical to his (Del Rosario’s) patented invention.
After trial, the RTC in its Decision dated November 9, 1999 ruled in favor of plaintiff
relying upon his uncontroveted evidence that defendant, without his consent manufactured and sold the Miyata system which was substantially identical to his patented invention.”
This triumph by a Filipino inventor who holds patents in other inventions as well, is not only a personal victory for the del Rosario family, stated his other daughter Isa Valenton but a feat worth acclaiming for the Filipino people.
Bert was born in Pasay City, the son of Teofilo del Rosario and Consolacion Legaspi. He married Eloisa Vistan, a former beauty queen with whom he has five children- three girls and two boys. Bert has been a widower since 1979 when his wife died at age 45 of heart failure. Bert did not remarry.
He admits that he never took up formal music lessons and cannot read music. Bert has also won awards in the Philippines and abroad, but the one he cherishes the most was the 1985 Gold Medal Award by the WORLD INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ORGANIZATION (WIPO) of the United Nations. An award that recognizes him as a Filipino inventor.
Like most inventors, Bert admires other inventors like Thomas Alva Edison, who believes that invention is “one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration” and the Wright Brothers for their having invented the airplane.
Bert del Rosario an accomplished musician who could play seven other musical instruments very well besides the piano. He was also proud to state that he enjoyed playing with the popular orchestra known as The Executive’s Band organized by Former Senator Raul Manglapuz which was composed of musicians who were businessmen and members of the diplomatic corps who get together to play Jazz and other popular music just for “fun”.
In 1962, on his own, Bert set up the first of many piano factories that populated the Philippines. He
Back to his minus one system, in the later models, another cassette tape player/recorder was added. It could record on one magnetic tape both the musical accompaniment and voice of the person singing. This unit was created in 1977. To enhance the quality of sound the device had a knob to produce "reverb" [or echo-like sound] adding technical artistry to the resulting sound.
Bert saw the first sign of corporate leakage – and the specter of “industrial piracy” during the time that he had to contract a Japanese manufacturing firm to produce most of his replacement parts. Not long after this arrangement he and his friends began to see very similar units of his invention but with a Japanese logo being sold openly in major Asian citieis and even in Manila stores..
This, Bert said philosophically, was the price one has to pay for a successful product. People would like to steal the idea or just make copies and sell them under another name.
After some sleuthing, Bert traced the bulk of the “piracy” to a Japanese firm. Since Japan could easily produce units in greater quantities Bert was aware that he really had limited resources and less money to battle this underhanded practice by a big time Japanese firm.
He was no match money-wise against the moneyed Japanese. But it did not discourage Bert from filing copywriter infringement, pursuing it to several decades for he felt in his heart he would be given justice.
In one of the media interviews Bert shared his philosophy in life: “Be observant, be creative. Most of all work hard at what you believe in.” At last, Bert really worked hard in what he believed in and he won the fight for justice.
I linked this article with a blog I just wrote today about the Karaoke.
Thanks for sharing this.
Hi, this helped a lot on my assignment in Filipino. Excellent facts and picture. Thanks for sharing! More Power and God Bless,,!
hi im chris delos santos remember the time that mang bert and i talk about the Voice color code videoke im the guy from bulacan mang bert and i met at dataventure store in shangrila one time i just wanted to say hi to every one in trebel whom i work and help for starting the voice color code videoke business with mang bert regards to everyone
Thanks for writing this wonderful article about Roberto Del Rosario!
It helped me a lot on my paper.
unfortunately, its not true!!!!
been inventd way before this guy tried to claim it for himself...
What do you know about this issue? ..are you were there in the fast 1971-1975?
Are you aware that inoue was not invetor but a musician who just combined other's inventions for the sake of customers in the bars or night clubs?
Are you aware that he himself denied he was invented the karaoke machine where infact it was not build out of scratch?
You must do a further research before commenting.
why did bert invent the karaoke? for fun? is that his main reason? i havent found any information about why he produced the said invention. pls help.
Don't rely on wikipedia.It is not a reliable source.
It was Inoue who invented Karaoke. First of all, Karaoke is a Japanese word, not Tagalog. Inoue received Ig Nobel Prize for "his" invention. This Filipino guy used Inoue's idea. This article is BS.
Wow. Shame. This Philipino guy did NOT invent Karaoke. He just stole Daisuke Inoue's idea. Inoue invented Karaoke in 1971. Too bad he didn't patent his idea. Bert del Rosario was just a cunning man.
What Year did Treble Manufactured his First Karaoke? What Japanese Company Did Trebel Sued? Why Trebel Only Sued Janito Corp? Lots of Story you did not know yet...
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